The name “True Bread” derives from John 6:32, where Christ Himself explains that it is our FATHER in heaven that gives us the TRUE BREAD of eternal life. The words of scripture are our “True Bread” from heaven delivered to mankind through Christ.
We strive to live by “every word that proceeds from the mouth of God”, and follow the biblical example of Christ and the Apostles while at the same time try to bring understanding to society of the world conditions we find around us. Mainly through videos, Todd tries to explain scriptural doctrine and current events as they relate to our daily lives, and especially how these events relate to biblical prophecy. We have weekly bible studies that are recorded and posted to Google video for the world to see, and we are now currently “webcasting” the studies live for those with an interest to follow along on the weekly Sabbath.
True Bread is a small group of believers who observe the seventh-day Sabbath, and keep the commandments of the Creator, as found in Exodus 20.
We also observe the biblical Holy Days found in Leviticus 23, and keep our months based on the actual observed new crescent moon as seen in the land of Israel. Also, we believe in the literal fulfillment of biblical prophecy, and are awaiting the physical return of Jesus Christ of Nazereth to this very planet, to save mankind from itself and total obliteration. Such topics as the “New World Order”, 9-11, and the “Mark of the Beast” are covered extensively by Todd in the video-taped studies. The “Gospel” is also given the deserved and required attention it commands, and salvation and immortality are thoroughly covered in the series.
Todd can also be seen on weekly television here in the local Richmond VA area on public access channel 95, and appears live yearly for six programs on the same channel. Calls to the station with pertinent questions are encouraged and answered with straight-forward clarity. Questions can also be directed to True Bread via email TODD@truebreadfellowship.org or to our mailing address as found on this website.
True Bread does not support the concept of “Tithing” in any way, as from past experiences it is obvious that those demanding such tithes use those funds for improper activities, and the entire doctrine produces nothing but pain and suffering from those under it’s power. Tithing is also NOT supported biblically under the “New Covenant”, which is covered extensively in the series on “Galatians”. However, we do appreciate sincere, FREE WILL donations and offerings to support the growing work. Todd is currently transitioning out of the aviation industry to a full-time role in support of True Bread.